We were tasked with providing a protective measure for plastic piping on the Puniu River bridge in the Waikato. First up we added flanges to six 9.2 metre long pipes, each weighing 345 kg. Next up was working with 17 metres of 450NB pipe which involved splitting it length ways, then flanging it to rejoin it. All up, this section weighed 1.5 tonnes. We then fabricated a 90 degree bend and split it. This type of component is ideal for changing the direction of piping without compromising strength, cutting seven segments at pre-determined angles and then fitting and welding back together. This creates the lobster back. It was then split to go over PVC pipe and bolted back together. All of these elements are part of a waste water system upgrade and are pictured before heading off to be galv sprayed.
Flanged pipes and a lobster back
Mount Metal Craft